Dr. Kathleen Pitt

Occupational Therapist, Doctor of Science Occupational Therapy, Certified Hand Therapist, Corrective Excercise Specialist, Lead Clinical Instructor


Kathleen has been practicing as a Certified Hand Therapist since 2011. She specializes in the elbow, wrist, and hand. Kathleen is highly experienced with advanced upper extremity diagnostics and evaluation, splinting, treatment, and wound care. Kathleen attended undergrad at the University of Texas Medical Branch for Occupational Therapy and later earned her Master’s degree in exercise science and health promotion from California University of Pennsylvania. Kathleen then earned her Doctor of Science Occupational Therapy from U.S. Army Baylor University, graduating in 2013. Kathleen was named a Presidential Scholar and inducted into Pi Theta Epsilon and Phi Kappa Phi, she has served as adjunct faculty at multiple doctoral programs and currently works as a contract educator for advanced upper extremity course work. Kathleen retired with over 23 years from the U.S. Army in which she had been an Army flute/piccolo player and was later commissioned as an OT, CHT, and an Upper Extremity Physician Extender for 12 years.

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Robin ZumBerge

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist, Owner

Jamie Winter

General Manager, Occupational Therapist Registered, Certified Hand Therapist, Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner

Renee Willms

Occupational Therapist Registered, Certified Hand Therapist, Certified Functional Capacity Evaluator, Dripping Springs Clinic Manager

Lita Roman

Clinic Office Manager

Dr. Victoria Ontiberos

Occupational Therapist Registered, Doctorate of Occupational Therapist, Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner, Lead Student Fieldwork Coordinator

Dr. Jenna Buratti

Occupational Therapist Registered, Doctorate of Occupational Therapy